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Why Review Worksheets for Second Grade Math are Great

As teachers, we aim to provide students with a variety of learning opportunities. For example, from digital activities to hands – on centers, to paper and pencil assignments, the options are endless! 

Above all, when we plan our lessons, we take time to determine the best method for student learning. I’m going to share how second grade math worksheets are effective, even if you’ve been told otherwise. Also,  I’m going to share ways to use them in your classroom.

Second Grade Math worksheets help with foundational concepts

In order for students to be successful in math, they must be exposed to and practice foundational concepts regularly. For example, in primary grades, students must be able to add and subtract fluently. This skill is a building block for many higher-level math skills. If students struggle in this area, the only way they will be successful is through repeated exposure in a variety of ways.

Review worksheets for second grade math are a perfect avenue to give students needed practice. You can use review worksheets to consistently allow your students to practice review skills. I love the idea of having a “Flashback Friday”. It’s where you can use review worksheets, and other methods to review foundational concepts from both the current grade level and previous ones. 

Furthermore, if you are looking for a great resource to allow students to practice their math facts, click here to visit Math with Marneshia on Teachers Pay Teachers.

worksheets for second grade math

They provide comprehensive practice

Now that we know how second grade math worksheets help with our students foundational skills, we can chat about their comprehension. All math standards build on each other. For example, in second grade, students must know basic addition facts. As the year progresses, they use these basic facts to complete a variety of problems. With review worksheets, you can provide your students with comprehensive practice. In other words, you can allow your students to follow a concept from basic problems to more complex one. For example, students may have problems in basic addition facts, word problems and problems that require them to use models to show their thinking, all on the same worksheet. Lastly, you allow students to see the connections between math concepts.

Review worksheets for second grade math can be used for assessments

Moreover, second grade math review worksheets are also perfect for using as assessments. First,  you can easily see what students are retaining. When a new concept is introduced, it is not uncommon for students to “forget” what has already been taught. By using second grade math review worksheets for assessment, you can see which standards you need to review with your students. This also conveys the message that it is necessary for students to continuously practice concepts that have been previously taught. Secondly, review worksheets can be used to see what standards were mastered from the previous grade level. Furthermore, they can be used after a long break to check for reteaching skills.

In short, regardless of how you use review worksheets, please make sure you are using them correctly. When you assess students, especially on standards you have previously taught, it is important to analyze your data. Secondly, make note of any deficits your students have and remediate those skills. By doing this, you are making the most out of both your assessment and instruction. 

Lastly, I like to have one center activity dedicated to review concepts. When I notice students are struggling with a particular concept, I like to include it in the following week’s center rotation. If you would like to start using these resources and more in your math block, download my FREE Math Center Planner below.

Free math center planner

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I help teachers create effective math centers in a snap so that they can get their time back and watch their student’s grow too! 

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